‘Cadence’ is a short film, written, produced and is also my first time directing. The story follows a young musician on his journey through grief on the path of acceptance. Will he be able to play music again? Will he find acceptance?

‘Last Call’, is a multi-award nominated and winning short film directed by Darragh Hynes. In this piece I acted as a camera operator. The piece harkens back to old femme fatale, film noir pictures so it’s unique style lends to the vision of the director and story he told.

‘Kodachrome 23’ is a live music show where I acted as a camera operator. The show looked to highlight young irish artists. It taught me about taking direction live and adapting to the needs of multiple directors and acts. Each act had their own specific lighting which I assisted in the rigging and staging of in pre-production.

Video has allowed me to create and be a part of so many unique experiences. It has allowed me to become a camera operator for projects, from live music shows, to an award nominated short film.

I have finally written, directed and produced my first original work, ‘Cadence’. A journey through grief and a love letter I felt needed to be written.